InBlack BearbyKiKi WalterAugust Prompt: Grief & LossAugust 30th is Grief Awareness DayJul 29, 20234Jul 29, 20234
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InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbySpyderSurviving Our WoundsKTHT Writing Prompts October 17–22Oct 17, 202219Oct 17, 202219
Benjamin MayHow My Inner Child Took Me Home‘We shall not cease from exploration….’Jan 17, 2021Jan 17, 2021
InThe Writing CooperativebyMartha Manning, Ph.D.You Can Be Boring and Write a Good MemoirIt’s a Matter of the Small Moments and Your Attention To ThemOct 2, 202235Oct 2, 202235
InThe MemoiristbyMike HickmanA Life in Six Word ChaptersBut is it any less painful this way?Aug 24, 202217Aug 24, 202217
InThe MemoiristbyRobin KlammerMy Life in Six Word Chapters :Dipping My Toes into the Abyss.Aug 26, 202210Aug 26, 202210
InContemplatebyRobin KlammerLetter To The Little Raging Girl Who was never heardI hear you loud and clearAug 20, 20229Aug 20, 20229
InThe MemoiristbyKiKi WalterIs Writing Memoir a New Genre for You? Ask Your Questions HerePlus 3 Tips to Get You StartedNov 21, 202113Nov 21, 202113