I Am Addicted To “That”!

Self-Imposed Rehab for “That”.

Robin Klammer
2 min readJan 29, 2019
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

This is a humor piece for Elle Fredine.

I have recently discovered just how much I’ve come to depend and rely on the word, “That”. In fact, it was only when Elle pointed out “that” anomaly, did I realize just how much we say or write it, without giving “that” a second thought.

Now, when I read or write, I’m on a stakeout! It’s funny, when one becomes aware of a habit, we realize just how ingrained it’s become.

Now, as anyone knows, it’s quite challenging to quit “Cold Turkey”. Some can, some need to ween themselves. It is only in becoming aware, and mindful, can we change old habits, whatever they may be.

“That” word is ever so easy to write or say. Perhaps we need to challenge ourselves to find a different word?

What word will we choose?

Will “this” word become the new “that”? Or “thus”?

Here is a link to the story “which” I’m referring to. The above and following will make more sense, if you know where the inspiration came from!



Robin Klammer

Searching for my True North, Strong & Free... ehhhh?! Garden of Neuro sister & Queen of Snark! 👑